Alan Feldstein

For two decades, Alan Feldstein has worked as a successful entertainment and marketing/advertising attorney in Los Angeles, negotiating the original deal for the “Spinning” Bike and representing children’s cartoon shows, pop music stars, actors and commercial productions, including many infomercials on late night television.

To get away from it all, Alan took up rock climbing in his30s -- and began to truly discover the meaning of the word “adventure.” His passion for climbing took him all over the United States, including the east buttress of Mt. Whitney (the tallest mountain in the continental U.S.). But in 1993, Alan fell 40 feet off a mountain attempting to rescue a fellow climber, shattering his ankle and suffering four surgeries, including one that required grafting muscle from his back into his ankle. His doctors told him: “Your climbing days are over.”

Alan calmly thanked them and replied; “Now I have to prove you wrong.”

Eight months to the day of his accident he did just that. In 2005 he defied the odds and made it to the summit of Africa’s Mt. Kilimanjaro.

But it was during his rehabilitation that he discovered and fell in love with kayaking, and again took to traveling the world’s waterways, including in Baja, the central coast of California, British Columbia, Cape Cod, Hawaii, Turkey, the Hudson River from Albany to Manhattan, Vietnam and Lake Tanganyika.

Like many in the legal profession, Alan was hungry for anew challenge. Unlike many of his colleagues Alan seizedan opportunity when he saw it. During a safari with his children Alan became one of the first to ever kayak off the coast of Tanzania. It was there and then that he decidedto merge his love for kayaking and his passion for Africaand adventure to create Infinite Safari Adventures. (, the only wildlife safari company that also offers a variety of adventures including kayaking in the warm coastal waters of Tanzania.

From his L.A. base and with his background in marketing, Alan is able to connect with international clientele and travels extensively speaking about safari and adventure travel, and wildlife photography.

Alan is a member of the Adventurer’s Club of Los Angeles and Explorers Club where he was the Southern California Chapter Chair. He also sits on the board of Trustees of the Cheetah Conservation Fund. He is an avid nature photographer, whose work has appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Wavelength Magazine, and the calendar.

Alan is passionate about expertly assisting clients to realize their own dream safari adventures.